Donate Money To Support Orphan Education

As a non-profit organization, we work towards providing education to orphans and underprivileged children.

Volunteer Your Time To Tutor Or Mentor Orphans

Many orphans lack the support and guidance needed to succeed in school.

Support Educational to Orphans

Many communities in India lack access to quality education, particularly in rural areas.

Join Us to Change Their World

Each day, an estimated 734 children become orphans. Change Yours. This Will Change Everything.

Chaithanya Seva Trust Help to Focuse On Education for Students

Under such circumstances, we wish to provide uniforms, books and also bear their academic fees of students.

Conducting free Tutorial Classes to Students

at our center Naganayakanakote

Change a Child's Rest of Life Education of Students

Conducting awarness programmes in surrounding of various villages to educate the residents

Chaithanya Seva Trust Organization Promise

We’re On A Mission To focus on students education

Our Trust has been established with the core concept of touching the lives of the deserted and deserving acrose our state of Karnataka Nation

we help who are orphans, single parents and also differently abled to who are desperately in need of financial and for pursuing their education in private school.

We Love Chaithanya Seva Trust Charity

we firmly believe every child has a right to a quality education

Volunteers in 2025
Orphans Children's
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Support Chaithanya Seva Trust

Have Any Question

+91 8892884889

Frequently Asked Question’s

How Can We Help?

By supporting an orphan you are supporting an entire community.

  • VolunteerTutor or mentor orphans to provide one-on-one attention and emotional support
  • DonateDonate to NGOs that help underprivileged children
  • SponsorSponsor a child’s education
  • Spread awarenessRaise awareness about the challenges faced by orphan children
  • FundraisePlan a fundraiser to help educate orphan children
  • Education can help orphans develop a sense of self-worth and confidence
  • It can open up opportunities for higher education and employment
  • It can help orphans envision a life beyond their current circumstances
  • It can help orphans develop critical thinking, creativity, and social skills
  • Loss of parental love: Can lead to feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and insecurity.
  • Our intitial prime focus is on enabling the education of students in private schools who fatefully lost
    the earning member of the family where single parant (mother) cannot afford to bear the academic expences of their children in private schools.